Below are descriptions of the files you will see in the "results" directory after a launch: ==================================================== Files generated from script ==================================================== overview_stats: Gives a cluster count breakdown. Lists the number of core, shared and singleton clusters found. all_clusters_member_presence: Tab delimited file. Lists every cluster and shows a 1 or 0 to represent the presence/absence of a member from a genome. all_clusters_members.txt: Tab delimited file. Lists every cluster and the locus identifier for each member of the cluster. core_clusters.txt: Tab delimited file. Lists only those clusters which have a representative from every genome in the analysis. shared_clusters.txt: Tab delimited file. List only those clusters which have a representative from two OR more genomes in the analysis. singletons_clusters.txt: Tab delimited file. List clusters containing only one member. singletons.pep: Fasta file containing the protein sequences for the singleton clusters. Header is locus|cluster number|database|protein name singletons.seq: Fasta file containing the nucleotide sequence for the singleton clusters. Header is locus|cluster number|database|protein name Optional files: role_id_lookup.txt: Lookup file to link a TIGRFAM role id with it's mainrolesub role name. This file is a JCVI specific file. metadata_counts.txt: Lists cluster counts for all meta data label combinations metadata_clusters.txt: Lists all clusters and genome membership along with their associated meta data label singletons_no_frame_clusters.txt: Tab delimited file listing the singleton clusters that are not labeled as frameshift by the clustering method. singletons_no_frame.pep: Fasta file containing the protein sequences for the non frameshifted singletons. singletons_no_frame.seq: Fasta file containing the nucleotide sequences for the non frameshifted singletons. ==================================================== Files generated from PanOCT clustering method ==================================================== A group of related files are known as the table files. These files all output one row of output per cluster and use tabs to delimit the columns. The columns correspond to the genomes input to PanOCT. The columns are ordered in the same order of appearance as the genome tags in the genome tag file with the reference genome first. The -T option specifies printing the cluster number as the first column of all of the table files (default is not to print the cluster number). The clusters (rows in the file) are ordered by appearance of the feat_id in the reference genome ordered first by molecule number and then by start coordinate. If there is no representative from the reference genome in the cluster then the ordering by the second genome in the genome tag file is used and so on. The clusters are implicitly numbered from 1 to the number of clusters as determined by this ordering. The table files are: _matchtable.txt has the feat_id for each member of a cluster. Columns corresponding to genomes which are not represented in a cluster contain ---------- instead. Outputting this file is controlled by the -V parameter (YES or NO, default is YES). _matchtable_0_1.txt uses 0s and 1s for membership in a cluster. Columns corresponding to genomes which are represented in a cluster contain a 1 while genomes not in the cluster contain 0 instead. Outputting this file is controlled by the -V parameter (YES or NO, default is YES). _matchtable_id.txt has the feat_id for each member of a cluster as well as the percent identity of the match to the reference genome protein in parenteses following the feat_id. If the cluster does not contain a protein from the reference genome percent identity is given to the first feat_id in the row. If the percent identity is 0.00 this means that the match between the proteins either did not exist in the Blast file or fell below some cutoff. Columns corresponding to genomes which are not represented in a cluster are left blank instead. Outputting this file is controlled by the -V parameter (YES or NO, default is YES). _id.txt has the feat_id and the feature's name/annotation for the reference genome as the first two columns followed by the percent identity of the match to the reference genome protein. If the cluster does not contain a protein from the reference genome a row for that cluster is not output. If the percent identity is 0.00 this means that the match between the proteins either did not exist in the Blast file or fell below some cutoff. Columns corresponding to genomes which are not represented in a cluster are left blank instead. Outputting this file is controlled by the -V parameter (YES or NO, default is YES). _micro.txt has the feat_id and the feature's name/annotation for the reference genome as the first two columns followed by a score between 1 (perfect match) to 100 (no match) of the match to the reference genome protein. This file is meant to mimic microarray hybridization data to a reference genome based microarray. If the cluster does not contain a protein from the reference genome a row for that cluster is not output. Columns corresponding to genomes which are not represented in a cluster are left blank instead. Outputting this file is controlled by the -M parameter (YES or NO, default is NO). _BSR.txt has the feat_id and the feature's name/annotation for the reference genome as the first two columns followed by a Blast Score Ratio (BSR) between 1 (perfect match) to 0 (no match) of the match to the reference genome protein. If the cluster does not contain a protein from the reference genome a row for that cluster is not output. Columns corresponding to genomes which are not represented in a cluster are left blank instead. Outputting this file is controlled by the -N parameter (YES or NO, default is NO). _hits.txt has the feat_id and the feature's name/annotation in square brackets for the reference genome as the first column followed by the feat_id and the feature's name/annotation in square brackets for other members of the cluster. If the cluster does not contain a protein from the reference genome a row for that cluster is not output. Columns corresponding to genomes which are not represented in a cluster are left blank instead. Outputting this file is controlled by the -H parameter (YES or NO, default is NO). **************************************************************************************** Another class of PanOCT output files are the matrix files. Matrix files have entries for a square matrix where the rows and columns correspond to the genomes given to PanOCT representing some pairwise measure between the genomes. Labesl for the genomes are the last 7 characters of each genome tag. The 6 matrix files are: _pairwise_cutoffs_matrix.txt contains the BSR cutoffs determined for any pair of genomes when the strict orthologs option is used (-S YES, default is NO). If a potential ortholog match does not have very much CGN (conserved gene neighbors) then it must exceed the pairwise BSR cutoff. _pairwise_identity_matrix.txt is a similarity matrix where each pairwise entry is the mean percent identity of matches between the genomes with high CGN. _pairwise_BSR_matrix.txt is a similarity matrix where each pairwise entry is the mean BSR score of matches between the genomes with high CGN multiplied by 100 to scale the scores between 0 to 100. _pairwise_BSR_distance_matrix.txt is a distance matrix where each entry in the BSR similarity matrix is subtracted from 100. The format is modified to be compatible with the Phylip tree building tool. _pairwise_cluster_similarity_matrix.txt is a similarity matrix where each pairwise entry is a measure of shared gene content between two genomes A and B. The measure used is (number of clusters in common between A and B) / ((number of clusters in A + number of clusters in B) / 2). THis measure is then multiplied by 100 to scale the values to be from 0 to 100. _pairwise_cluster_distance_matrix.txt is a distance matrix for shared gene content where we subtract every element of the above similarity matriox from 100. **************************************************************************************** _missing_blast_results.txt is a file of one feat_id per line where the feat_id was specified in the feature attribute file but did not appear at all in the tabular Blast file or only as a search result but not as a query. This should never happen for an all against all Blast search. Feat-ids which do not appear at all in the tabular Blast file are ignored. **************************************************************************************** _histograms.txt is a file of histograms, one per line, that are used by PanOCT to determine pairwise BSR cutoffs for separating paralogs from orthologs under the -S YES option. These are histograms of 101 bins: the first 100 bins are evenly divided from >= 0 to < 1 and the last bin is = 1. Remember BSR scores are normalized Blast scores from 0 to 1. If no match of a given type exists for a feat_id then the 0 bin is incremented. Four types of histograms are labeled and output. Self histograms capture the best match within a genome to a feat_id that is not the query feat_id (a paralog).Good_CGN histograms capture the best match between a pair of genomes that has good CGN support (more than half of maximum possible)for each feat_id. Best histograms capture the best match between a pair of genomes for each feat_id. Second histograms capture the second best match between a pair of genomes for each feat_id (presumably a paralog). **************************************************************************************** _frameshifts.txt is a file of probable protein fragments that are adjacent or on the ends of contigs. This fragment detection and file generation only occurs under the strongly recommended -F option. If a pair of nearly adjacent proteins or nearly at the ends of contigs (the "nearly" is to allow for spurious proteins such as bad gene calls or transposon insertions) have mostly nonoverlapping matches to other proteins and fewer full length matches to other proteins then the proteins are flagged as fragments of the same gene. The longest matching fragment is "retained" and treated as the sole protein of this gene for further analysis. This feat_id is output first on the line and then a tab delimited list of other fragments from the same gene is output on the same line. **************************************************************************************** _fragments_fusions.txt is a file containing feat_ids with labeling that have been determined to be likely protein fragments of a single fragment or fusions of multiple proteins. This file is only output if the -U YES option is specified. The determination of probable fragments and fusions is based on the length of high quality matches within or between clusters where one protein is significantly shorter than another.The fragments identified during frameshift detection and output in the _frameshifts.txt file are not output again here. **************************************************************************************** _below_cutoff_clusters.txt is a file containing feat_ids of proteins in clusters where the proteins have significantly lower BSR matches than is typical as measured by the BSR pairwise cutoffs. This file is only output when -S YES is used.The first column is the cluster number and the second column is the feat_id. **************************************************************************************** _paralog_weights.txt is a file showing the level of paralogous matches between pairs of clusters. For each pair of clusters where at least one high quality match exists between members of the different clusters a line is output (first two columns are the cluster numbers, third column is the number of matches). The quality of the match is stricter under the recommended -S YES option. **************************************************************************************** _paralogs.txt is a file containing the single linkage clustering using the links from the _paralog_weights.txt file. Each line is a tab delimited set of cluster numbers. Each transposon tends to be a singleton cluster and very large sets of paralogous clusters tend to be transposons. **************************************************************************************** _cluster_weights.txt contains some basic statistics on each cluster under the -C YES option. Each line has 6 tab delimited columns: cluster number, number of high quality matches within the cluster, minimum protein length, maximum protein length, mean protein length, and standard deviation of protein length. **************************************************************************************** There are a series of paired files which can be output to show the layout of clusters in the genomes. A series of percentage thresholds can be specified using the -c option. For each threshold a pair of files is output: _threshold_core_adjacency_matrix.txt (where threshold is replaced by an actual number) shows the layout of "core" clusters where core is defined to be clusters with a percentage of genomes present in the cluster >= threshold. The file has two lines per cluster. The first line has the cluster number followed by a + or - indicating the relative orientation of the cluster with respect to the preceeding cluster, a : then the feat_id of the reference genome or if the reference genome is not in the cluster the first genome in the genome tag file, and the corresponding gene name/annotation. The second line shows all core clusters that are adjacent in any genome to the current cluster. Adjaceny is defined as the first core cluster beside the current core cluster but will skip over noncore clusters. Each adjacency is shown as a triplet inside parentheses and separated by commas. The triplet is: cluster number underscore 5 or 3 to represent the 5' or 3' end of the cluster/gene, cluster number underscore 5 or 3, and the number of genomes with this adjacency. The underscore 5 or 3 shows the relative orientation of the clusters. Three ||| separate adjaceny for the 5' versus 3' triplets for the given cluster. _threshold_noncore_adjacency_matrix.txt shows the same kind of adjacency information but for adjacency from a noncore cluster to a core cluster. **************************************************************************************** _pairwise.txt shows all of the pairwise matches between members of the same cluster. Each line has 6 columns: cluster number, genome tag 1, feat_id 1, genome tag 2, feat_id 2, and percent identity. If there is no match above cutoff then 0 is output for percent identity which is not normally a valid value. This is only output for -B YES option. **************************************************************************************** _centroids.fasta is a multi-fasta file containing the protein sequences for the centroids of the clusters. The fasta header line contains: >centroid_cluster number feat_id protein name/annotation. This is output using the -d option. **************************************************************************************** _report.txt contains a few of the parameters PanOCT was called with and the feature counts per genome. "Raw" feature counts are determined by feat_ids seen in both the feature attribute file and as query sequences in the tabular Blast file before cutoffs are applied. "Used" feature counts are for both query and subject sequences in the tabular Blast file after cutoffs have been applied. **************************************************************************************** _parameters.txt contains a complete list of PanOCT's parameters that PanOCT was called with and any derived values.