M. Bouezmarni
Taoufik, PR Univ. de Sherbrooke (co-directeur)
Mme Favre
Anne-Catherine, PR Univ. de Grenoble (Examinatrice)
M. Fermanian
Jean-David, PR, ENSAE (rapporteur)
M. Girard
Stéphane, CR -HDR, INRIA (rapporteur)
M. Kojadinovic
Ivan, PR, Univ. de Pau (co-directeur)
M. Quessy
Jean-François, Univ de Trois-Rivières (co-directeur)
Articles (peer reviewed): [Chronological order]
V. Le,T. Rohmer & I. David, Identification
and characterisation of unknown disturbances in a structured
population from high-throughput phenotyping data and measurment of robustness, application to
growing pig, 2024.Journal of Animal Sciences, (pdf,HAL)
A. Brouste, C. Dutang, L. Hovsepyan & T. Rohmer, One-step closed-form estimator generalized linear model with categorigal explanatory variables, 2023.Statistics and Computing, 33(6), 138 (pdf, HAL)
T. Rohmer, A. Ricard & I. David, Copula miss-specification in REML multivariate genetic animal model estimation, 2022, Genetics Selection Evolution (pdf, HAL)
A. Brouste, C.
Dutang & T. Rohmer, A closed-form alternative estimator for GLM with categorical explanatory variables, 2022, Communications in Statistics, Simulation and computation (pdf, HAL)
V. Le, T. Rohmer & I. David, Impact of disturbance on the estimation of the genetic parameters and breeding values for production traits, 2022, Animal. (pdf, HAL)
Dowek, A., Minh Maï Lê, L., Rohmer, T., Legrand, F.-X., Remita,H., Lampre, I., Tfayli, A., Lavielle, M., Caudron, E.,
A mathematical approach to deal with nanoparticle polydispersity in
surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy to quantify antineoplastic agents, Talanta, 2020, vol. 217, p. 121040 (pdf, [HAL])
A. Brouste, C. Dutang & T. Rohmer, Closed
form Maximum Likelihood Estimation for Generalized Linear Models
in the case of categorical explanatory variables: application to
insurance loss modelling, Computational Statistics, 35, 689-724, p. 1-36 (2020) (pdf, HAL)
2018 : A. Brouste, C.
Dutang, V. Dessert, A. Matoussi & T. Rohmer ,
partenariat: E. Gales, P. Golhen, W. Lekeufack & B. Milleville (MMA)Solvency tuned premium for a composite loss distribution (2018, préprint sur HAL)
2023 : I. David, V. Le & T. Rohmer, UpDown - an R package to identify and characterize disturbances from longitudinal observations. Article soumis [HAL]
2022 : T. Rohmer, Phenotype simulation, multitrait and random regression models using Asreml.[HAL]
2024 : C. Guilmois,T. Rohmer, M. Popa-Roch, Learning
basic mathematic skills in primary school: Testing the effectiveness ofsocio-constructivist
and explicit instruction, Article soumis
2024 : A. Brouste, C. Dutang, L. Hovsepyan & T. Rohmer, Fast inference in copula models with categorical explanatory variables using the one-step procedure, Article soumis
2024: T. Rohmer, V. Bruning, E. Kuhn, G+E copula model to improve the estimation of the genetic parameters in mixed model with latent variables, soumission prochaine
Students :
2019-2022, Vincent Le,
ph.d. student in genetic statistics, thesis co-supervised with Ingrid David (Inrae GenPhySE). "Nouvelle
mesure de la robustesse des animaux d'élevage par utilisation
des données de phénotypage haut-débits" https://hal.inrae.fr/tel-03967884
2022, Gaelle Hamelin, stage M2, co-supervised with
Charlotte Gaillard (Inrae, PEGASE). "Amélioration
d'un outil de détection d'évenements (techniques ou
sanitaires) à l'échelle de plusieurs bande de truies".
2021-2025, Lilit Hovsepyan, ph.d. student in Asymptotic
statistic and stochastic process, thesis co-supervised with
Alexandre Brouste and Irene Votsi
Reviewer :
Statistics and Probability Letters (STATPRO)
International Journal of Biostatistique (IJB)
World Rabbit Congress (WRC2020)
Annal of Actuarial Sciences (AAS)
Journal of multivariate Analysis (JMVA)
Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment (SERRA)
Academic Chair:
(2019-present): Participation to the chair IDR re2a directed by Alexandre Brouste, Anis Matoussi